11 June 2008

inhaling the oxygen

I'm still exhausted...

I worked until 4:30 in the morning on Friday night (into Saturday morning) which is fine by me because I get paid overtime, it doesn't happen all the time and I was prepared for last week to be very busy. The only problem was that I had a pretty booked weekend so there wasn't much time to catch up on sleep.

Saturday we went to the Dodger game because they were playing the Cubs and most of my friends are Cubs fans. Not to mention My Heart is from Chicago. The Cubs lost and the guy behind us didn't shut his trap for more than 2 minutes at a time (no exaggeration either - I know more about him than I do my own friends) but we had a great time and it's always nice to hang with the crew. Beer count = 3

We then headed downtown for the evening. There is this parking lot we always park in when we go to the Geffen Contemporary at MOCA and there is a restaurant next to that lot we have always wanted to try - Weiland's Brewery. It was delicious and we were there during happy hour. Beer count = 3

The main attraction Saturday night was CineMOCA which is an ongoing summer event at the Geffen location of MOCA showing various documentaries under the stars downtown. Saturday's was a screening of Underground Forces (punk and new wave music doc) featuring a music set by special guest Henry Rollins. Turns out music set means he plugged in his iPod and mingled amongst the rest of us - which was cool in it's own way but not what we expected at all. Beer count = 1

The best part of Saturday, 7 beers was exactly the number I needed.

Sunday was spent in the sun working with Project Angel Food during Christopher Street West. I started my morning with them at 9am and ended the day at 7pm. I was an official chef on the parade float which was fun (saw trainer Bob from The Biggest Loser in the crowd) and then got to partake in the festival for a couple of hours before going to work the booth. Pictures of the float to come...

Like I said, I'm still exhausted.


Anonymous said...

NO good deed goes unpunished...

In other news...CONGRATS on the 100th blog entry. I think I'm at like 65...slacker...:(


Matilda said...

Your time here can be as action packed as that if you want it!!!!
Sending love across the ocean.

nicknkaz said...

I was getting tired for you just reading your blog entry! You are busy busy..Can't wait to see you when you come to the land down under! Matilda and I are very excited!!! We talk about you all the time lol..Have agreat day! xox Karen Nick and Kids