08 January 2009

after the sun you open the umberella

I know it should be
but no, Tomorrow.
I promise.
Tomorrow I start this:

The Republic of Tea has an amazing line of be well red teas that I'm excited to start "using" ;-)
This stuff's gonna become my drug of choice. I already drink Yerba Mate like it's going out of style so I'll just substitute it with one of these that may suit my needs for the day.

I will also wake up tomorrow morning and work out BEFORE going to work... that way there are no excuses from now on.

I usually hate the whole resolutions and starting anew thing about the new year but I'm going to embrace it because I think 2009 is going to be different.


Matilda said...

And where do you buy this tea?

the girL said...

Whole Foods has it or you can buy it on The Republic of Tea website.

Matilda said...

Ta, I will check out Whole Foods.