04 December 2007

fleeing the country

i love cats beat MC Hammerpants. Yup, that's right - the undefeated, unbeatable, reigning champion has been brought down by the girl who loves kitties.
I play in a fantasy football league with 13 other people (10 of them being guys). Last night was the last game of the regular season for us. My final opponent being the one and only Hammerpants. Nobody has been able to beat this guy. My Heart came the closest last week when he lost by one point. That is until i love cats finally brought the Pants down!
Now we start the playoffs and My Heart and I are playing each other in round 1. As much as I would love to win, he has a better chance of going all the way. I don't mind going out on this one sweet victory. Eat my kitty litter Hammerpants. WHOO! HOO!

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