26 May 2008

is the cat out of that bag yet

A couple of months ago the entire company was called to an impromptu meeting. The receptionist was asked to lock the front door - it was that serious. We would be working on a super secret project and we were not to discuss it, not even within the hallways of our own building, until after the release date. That was it - no name, not even a release date. It was on a need to know basis.

Cut to last week when our newly designed website launched a new home page in holiday Google style. Apparently it was now ok to disscuss the project. I mean, it was and still is out there for the whole world to find.

So now, with the secrecy gone and the numbers in we can safely celebrate out loud. The studio sent over this sweet treat in recognition of all our hard work. Way to go AR!


Anonymous said...

Darling, I'm confused. Does this mean you guys did the trailer for the new Indiana Jones film? The website has the top nav but NO content? Fill me in here...

the girL said...

I know, our website is still a work in progress but yes, we worked on the campaign for Indiana Jones.

Matilda said...

I hope the cake was as yummy as the cake looks cool! Great job!
Sending love across the ocean. 61 more sleeps!